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Superplasticizer how to avoid deterioration?
Time:2015/11/3 16:54:43                  Click:1470

In construction, superplasticizer use is very common, they are concrete or cement is a chemical additive. Although they have a better effect on the construction project has a great role. But if there has been deterioration in the situation, to use, you do not have any purpose. So, how do we avoid them degenerate it?
    First, the storage environment should pay attention to. To avoid deterioration of this type of chemical additives, and we store them must pay attention to the case of the environment. If the component has a humid environment or with corrosive gases or substances, they are likely to erode the additive, leading to major changes in the performance, lead to irreversible performance, so they are in the store, be sure to attention to environmental issues.
    Second, pay attention to the shelf life of its own. Superplasticizer storage and use, we should also pay special attention to their shelf life, it is understood, each additive have a shelf life, and can only be used within the shelf life period, otherwise there will be an inefficient use of or is detrimental. For this purpose, prior to use, shelf-life problem must be viewed, this is the easiest way to prevent spoilage.
    The above two points, the main method is to avoid superplasticizer, as long as we pay attention to these two points in place, I believe, when you use them, will get better results.
    Of course, for building works, it will play a good role.

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