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What kind of concrete admixtures
Time:2015/11/3 16:57:02                  Click:1456

During construction, the type of concrete admixtures lot, often used admixtures include early strength agent, retarder, water reducer and antifreeze agents, construction of these concrete admixtures used for enhancing engineering quality and efficiency significantly. Concrete water reducer manufacturer of concrete water reducer manufacturer of concrete admixtures to be selected based on the engineering design and construction requirements for selection, additives selected for use should not cause harm to the human body, shall not affect the environment, because above early strength agent and reducing agent, are chemical agents, as well as chemical composition, content and chemical composition unreasonable if not only affects the quality of the project also caused some damage to the human body. Best not to use a complex admixture, rational use of concrete admixtures, not only can improve the strength and durability of the project but also shorten the construction period, less use of concrete and materials, reducing the cost of the project is construction work the more popular products.

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